3 of The Best Powerpuff Girls Rolling Trays

The Powerpuff Girls was a classic cartoon back when our generation was kids. The famous show is still relevant to this day, and many products have forked from the series. This article is going to cover 3 of the best Powerpuff Girls Rolling Trays.

1: The Powerpuff Gals Stoner Rolling Tray

This stoner-inspired Powerpuff gals rolling tray is a hilarious and cool depiction of the classic cartoon show. The characters are red-eyed and holding joints in their hands.

2: The Powerpuff Girls Classic Rolling Tray

This classic Powerpuff girls’ pink stoner rolling tray is a perfect gift for anyone that’s a fan of the show who also likes to roll up. It’s purple with pink stars that burst out from the main characters.

3: Powerpuff Girls Pink Stoner Rolling Tray

A pink Powerpuff girl stoner rolling tray that features the main cartoon characters smoking joints with red eyes. Another great gift for anyone that’s a fan of the show.

Ryan is a full stack software developer, and cofounder of thecannaschool.ca. Ryan has expertise in economics, software development, and all things cannabis!

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