Cannabis-infused milk is one of the easiest ways to make weed edibles. A quick and easy recipe that can be used as an ingredient in loads of other recipes. Although, there is a downside to cannabis milk. The expiration date on milk is a lot shorter than the expiration date on cannabis butter or cannabis coconut oil. But some recipes don’t require oil or butter so knowing how to make cannabis milk can be very helpful. In other words, cannabis milk adds another tool to the shed!

What you’re going to need
- Whole milk
- Decarboxylated Cannabis
- Oven
- Stove
- Double Boiler
- Cheesecloth
- Infusion Machine (optional)
Cannabis-Infused Milk Recipe

Cannabis-Infused Milk
- 2 Cups Cannabis Milk Full Fat Version
- 3.5 – 7 Grams Cannabis Bud Fully customizable to fit your preference and tolerance
- First, decarboxylate your cannabis. This step is found at the bottom of the article. We also have already written a seperate in-depth comprehensive article on decarboxylation if you need further instructions.With your decarboxylated cannabis, add it into the cheesecloth and tie it up.
- In a double boiler, heat up your full-fat milk. Make sure the milk does not come to a boil. Then, add your cannabis into the milk. Leave it on medium heat for approximately 1 and a half hours. Make sure you are stirring every 10 minutes or so.
- Once the time has passed, pour the milk through a strainer into a container. This ensures no plant matter gets into your edible.
- Bon Appetite!
How to Decarboxlate Cannabis
Click here to learn how to decarboxylate cannabis, we wrote a comprehensive guide on how to decarboxylate with everything you will need to know!
Dosage guide to cannabis milk
The dosage guide to making cannabis milk tends to be a little tricky. You’re going to have a hard time finding the exact potency of the milk that you’re making. It’s also worth noting that since some recipes are going to require more milk than others, you’re going to want to add regular milk into the mix. But, it’s up to you.
The problem
It’s not always easy to know the exact potency of the cannabis that you’re using. Especially since you have activated the cannabis. You should have a rough idea of the THC percentage, but there is still lots of room for error. You also have to keep in mind that if there is a small error in your calculations at the beginning, this error is going to be carried throughout, and it will make your final potency percentage off by quite a bit.
The solution
We have a great dosage calculator to help you when you’re cooking cannabis milk. Keep in mind, since you won’t have an exact percentage it’s going to be off by a little bit. This tool should help you get a rough estimate for the potency of your milk.
This dosage calculator will automatically update when you fill out your own values. It will work for both kief and cannabis flowers.

The importance of decarboxylation when making cannabis milk
Click here to learn how to decarboxylate cannabis, we wrote a comprehensive guide on how to decarboxylate with everything you will need to know!
For your weed edibles to work the way you want them to, there is a very important step. That step is decarboxylation. All this means is that you need to activate the THC, that way you get the psychoactive effects you intended for. The literal definition of decarboxylation is: “a chemical reaction that removes a carboxyl group and releases carbon dioxide (CO2)” When it comes to cannabis, Decarboxylation removes the COOH group from the THC-A molecule by releasing H2O and CO2, turning it into the psychoactive THC. This step is crucial because it will turn the THC-A molecule into the psychoactive THC molecule. If you were to smoke cannabis this would already be happening naturally when you burn it. But, since in this case, there is no cannabis being burned we need to do this extra step.
How to decarb
We’re going to be heating the cannabis up to a certain temperature. This is the same thing that vaping cannabis does. It’s possible to use vaped cannabis inside of your weed edibles, and there will be psychoactive effects. However, if you have already vaped that cannabis, you will have already used a substantial amount of the THC. Consequently, you will have to use much more cannabis in the edible If you are using kief, follow the same process as buds, just skip the grinding step. If you’re using cannabis flower, the first step is to grind your cannabis buds. Once you have ground the cannabis, get an oven-safe tray, and cover it in parchment paper. Next, spread the cannabis evenly over the sheet.
What temperature to activate the cannabis?
The temperature that you should be heating the cannabis to is a bit of a debate. There might be better temperatures out there, and you will have no trouble finding people that claim theirs is the best. To their defence, they might be right. But, the temperatures that we have here are backed by some scientific evidence. At the end of the day, you’re going to have a hard time finding temperatures with a noticeably different effect than these. In other words, these temperatures will do the job! 240 degrees Fahrenheit is the number that I’ve had success with. There has also been some good research done by our friends over at Marijuana Growers HQ. they did an amazing decarb experiment and noted their results:

If you’re looking for some recipes to use cannabis milk in, click here.
Ryan is a content manager at who has a background in economics. Ryan specializes in making cannabis edibles at home but loves to write about all things cannabis!
This article is an appealing wealth of useful informative that is interesting and well-written. I commend your hard work on this and thank you for this information.
Here’s a much less wasteful recipe and I never use any fancy equipment.
Things You Need
2 Cups of Milk, the higher the fat content, the better
2 Cups of water
1.5g decent bud or 4-6g trim if you got it
A small Jar with a lid
A saucepan with Lid
A Trivet or something to keep the jar off of the bottom of the pan
Grind Your goods and put them in the jar with the lid sealed
Place the jar in the saucepan on the Trivet and add water until halfway up the jar or so
Heat water until it reaches a simmer and adjust heat until it stays there. Cover the pan and leave it there for 90 minutes. Most of the water will be there for the duration with the lid and that keeps the herb from temp damage
Remove From Heat, clean pan, and Let the jar cool while you start the next phase
The Infusion:
Using the same saucepan, Add your milk and water and start heating it to a simmer
Add your now decarb’d herb and simmer it for 30-45 minutes. You will need to stir this regularly or the milk proteins will burn to the bottom of the pan and ruin your batch.
After this is done, You can strain it or leave it alone. I use my plants leaves and all for all kinds of food stuff so the plant matter doesn’t bother me as I like the taste.
In the end, a 4 oz. glass of this rips me for a good 8 hours so I get 8 servings from one batch.
Not cutting your dick bud, just helping some folks that don’t want to use an eighth to a quarter to make something special.
All that said. It’s DECENT! lol
Yeah Truely but also it is good to just try it.