How to Make Weed Nerd Ropes

Weed nerd ropes are quickly becoming one of the most popular cannabis edibles to make at home! If done right, this edible recipe can turn out fantastic! This post is going to show you the step by step guide on how to make weed nerd ropes.

If you’re just skimming this post, make sure to check out the potency calculator near the bottom. It will help you estimate the potency of your weed nerd ropes.

Here’s What You’re Going to Need

Rainbow colored candy sprinkled on a white background.

To make nerd ropes you’re going to need a few ingredients:

The only ingredient in this recipe that you won’t find at your local supermarket is cannabis tinctures. Luckily, we have a comprehensive guide to making cannabis tinctures here.

You’re also going to need some equipment:

Weed Nerd Rope Recipe

Weed Nerd Ropes

Cannabis edible candy recipe!

Prep time5 minutesCook time5 minutesTotal time70 minutesCuisineAmericanCategorySnackServings5



  • Microwave
  • Aluminum Foil
  • squeeze bottle



  1. 1Step 1

    Put the gummy bears in a microwave-safe dish and microwave for 5 minutes at half power.

  2. 2Step 2

    While the gummy bears are melting, fold a sheet of aluminum foil back and forth until there are crevices and there is aluminum foil that prevents any of the cavities from joining with each other. See the video below for an example.

  3. 3Step 3

    Take the melted gummy bears out of the microwave. Add the cannabis tincture and mix it well. Make sure all of the ingredients are thoroughly combined. Once combines, transfer the mixture into a squeeze bottle.

  4. 4Step 4

    Pour some nerds in each one of the tin foil crevices. Make sure to completely cover the bottom of the tin foil otherwise the gummy mixture could stick.

  5. 5Step 5

    Using the squeeze bottle, evenly pour some of the gummy mixture over the nerd ropes. Once you have used all of the gummy mixture pour the rest of the nerds overtop.

  6. 6Step 6

    Put the nerd ropes in the freezer for one hour. Shake off the excess nerds. Once hard, carefully pull the ropes off of the aluminum foil.


    calories:745 kcal
    protein:19 g
    carbohydrates:174 g
    sugar:100 g
    sodium:93 mg
cannabis nerd ropeedible nerd ropeweed nerd rope

Weed Nerd Rope Potency Calculator

To find the potency of your nerd ropes, you first need to know the potency of your cannabis tincture. If you don’t know this, you are going to have a hard time finding the potency of your nerd rope.

If you don’t know the potency of your tincture, we recommend that before you make your nerd ropes you test it by putting a 1/4 tsp of it on your tongue. It’s important to remember that sometimes edibles can take up to 4 hours to have an effect. This test will help you estimate how potent the tincture is. However, if you’re new to cannabis edibles you may have a hard time estimating.

Enter the amount of cannabis you are using to infuse butter, oil, milk, etc.


If your cannabis has a THC content of 25%, type 25

How much of the activated ingredient will you use in your infusion?


This is the amount of mg of THC in the entire extract.

Enter the amount of infused tablespoons your recipe calls for (1 cup = 16 tablespoons)


Enter the total number of pieces or portions your recipe will make (e.g., 12 brownies, 8 cookies)

THC mg per Serv

Decarboxylation doesn't have 100% efficiency and it typically 70-90%. This means about 10-30% of potential THC is lost. This is a rough estimate on your edible potency.

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Ryan is a full stack software developer, and cofounder of Ryan has expertise in economics, software development, and all things cannabis!

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