glass of hot weed tea with mint garnish

How to Make Weed Tea

Weed tea can be a great way to start off your day if made correctly. This guide is going to go in-depth on everything you will need to know to make cannabis-infused tea. We will also show you multiple different ways to infuse tea so you will be able to make it regardless if you have dietary restrictions.

We also will try our best to explain the pros and cons of each method to help you decide which method is best for you.

Here’s What You’re Going to Need to Make Weed Tea

Traditional weed tea ceremony accessories. # glasses of cannabis tea on a wooden board with a clay pot beside them.

The first step of making weed tea is deciding how you are going to infuse it. The next section of this post will show you the different methods you can use.

You’re also going to need some equipment:

7 Different Methods to Make Weed Tea

The great thing about weed tea is there are so many different ways to infuse! Here are the most common methods:

Pure Cannabis Flower (Must be decarboxylated)

The most common method that I’ve seen scattered around on the internet is to wrap cannabis trim, kief, and tea ingredients in a tea bag and allow them to soak in boiling water. This is definitely the easiest method but we don’t recommend it.

The problem with this? THC and other cannabinoids are not water-soluble. For this method to work, you will need to ingest the small pieces of plant matter and crystals that have fallen off of the cannabis and made it through the tea bag. This method will work to infuse tea but it will be the worst tasting on this list and you will end up wasting a considerable amount of cannabis. Since cannabis is not water-soluble, the best way to use pure cannabis flower would be to add a teaspoon of keif directly into your tea.

If you are going to use this method, make sure to decarboxylate your cannabis first! This is the most important step otherwise your tea will have no psychoactive effects.

Cannabis Coconut Oil

A great way to make weed tea is by adding one or two teaspoons of cannabis-infused coconut oil. This is a great method for people who are on a ketogenic diet or people who would like to enjoy tea without carbohydrates.

Click here to see our cannabis oil guide.

Cannabis Sugar

Cannabis infused sugar on a brown oak table.

Using cannabis sugar is probably our favourite method of making cannabis-infused tea. The only downfall of cannabis sugar is that it is not an easy edible medium to make. We have a comprehensive guide to making cannabis sugar here, but again, it is pretty difficult.

If this is your first time making cannabis edibles, we would recommend infusing your tea with another ingredient on this list. Nonetheless, If you are up for a challenge this is the best way to make weed tea!

Click here to see our cannabis sugar guide.

Cannabis Honey

Cannabis honey is a great way to make weed tea. This ingredient is relatively simple to make and is going to taste exponentially better than if you were to use the pure cannabis flower method.

Click here to see our cannabis honey guide.

Cannabis Milk

Strawberry being dropped into a glass of milk

The great thing about using cannabis milk to make weed tea is that this ingredient can also be used in a ton of edible recipes! Weed tea is only going to require a few teaspoons of cannabis milk but if you make a few cups you will have everything you need to make all of the recipes here.

Click here to see our cannabis milk guide.

Cannabis Tincture

There is a lot of weed tea recipes that require cannabis tinctures. These do work great but tinctures are the first step to making cannabis sugar which is going to taste much better. If you already have a cannabis tincture, we recommend you make cannabis sugar since you are already half-way there.

Click here to see our cannabis tincture guide.

Cannabis Cream

Cannabis-infused cream, like cannabis-infused milk, is a very flexible edible medium meaning that it can be used in a ton of edible recipes. If you do decide to make cannabis cream, you will the ability to turn almost any recipe that uses cream into an edible recipe!

Click here to see our cannabis cream guide. (This is a guide to making cannabis milk. However, if you use cream and follow the same steps, it will work.)

How to Make Weed Tea

glass of hot weed tea with mint garnish

Weed Tea

A flexible cannabis-infused tea recipe that can be made many different ways!

Prep time2 minutesCook time0 minutesTotal time2 minutesCuisineAmericanCategoryDrinksServings1


  • Keurig or single serve coffee maker (optional)
  • Kettle
  • Tea bag of your choice



  1. 1Preparation

    Boil water in a kettle and pour it into a mug of your choice.

  2. 2Tea

    Place a tea bag in the mug and allow it to steep for 3-4 minutes

  3. 3Infusion

    Add 1-2 tsps of ONE of the edible mediums. Makesure not to go overboard.


    calories:1 kcal
    sodium:11 mg
cannabis edible teainfused tea recipeweed tea

Weed Tea Potency Calculator

To find the potency of your weed tea, you will first need to know the potency of whatever ingredient you used. If you don’t know this, head over to the post corresponding to the ingredient you made. At the bottom of that post, there will be a calculator to help you find the potency of your ingredient.

Mans hand holding a mug with weed tea in it over a black surface.

Once you know the potency of your ingredient, you can use this calculator to help calculate the potency of your weed tea. Keep in mind, this is just a rough estimate.

Enter the amount of cannabis you are using to infuse butter, oil, milk, etc.


If your cannabis has a THC content of 25%, type 25

How much of the activated ingredient will you use in your infusion?


This is the amount of mg of THC in the entire extract.

Enter the amount of infused tablespoons your recipe calls for (1 cup = 16 tablespoons)


Enter the total number of pieces or portions your recipe will make (e.g., 12 brownies, 8 cookies)

THC mg per Serv

Decarboxylation doesn't have 100% efficiency and it typically 70-90%. This means about 10-30% of potential THC is lost. This is a rough estimate on your edible potency.

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Ryan is a full stack software developer, and cofounder of Ryan has expertise in economics, software development, and all things cannabis!


  1. Dion Martin
    Created at·0 Replies

    These recipes are easy to follow & huge benefit using calculator!

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