How To Roll A Joint Perfect Every Time Step by Step Guide

If you’ve ever wondered how to roll a joint, you’ve come to the right place. I’m going to be showing you 2 methods that I’ve used for as long as I can remember.

How To Roll a Joint With 2 Easy Methods

The first method I’m going to be showing you is for the absolute beginner. This method is going to take quite a bit longer than the other method I’m going to show you, but it requires no practice at all. The second method I’m going to show you is what I’m going to call “the standard roll” because it’s what most people who smoke joints use. This post is going to be pretty wordy. Explaining how to roll joints is harder than I expected but make sure to check out the pictures if at any point it’s hard to follow what I’m talking about.

How To Roll a Joint – The Beginner Method

This method is a pre-roll. You may have seen that Raw sells pre-rolled papers, and if you’d like to purchase those instead of rolling, you can here. However, we’re going to be creating the same thing here with your standard rolling paper.

Step 1

Hold the rolling paper in your hands. You’re going to want the adhesive facing you, and at the top of the rolling paper.

rolling paper in hands with adhesive facing towards camera and at the the top of the paper

Hold the rolling paper facing you with the sticky side up & at the top.

Step 2

This is the most important part of the pre-roll. You need to fold the bottom left corner up a little bit while also folding the right corner up a tiny bit. You want to have the fold make the shape of a cone. It’s important that when you fold the bottom right corner you leave enough space for a filter, but not so big that the filter falls out. If you’re a complete beginner keep reading, this will make more sense in a moment.

Rolling paper folded into the shape of a cone in hands. Pack of zig zag rolling papers in the background

Fold the paper into the shape of a cone

Step 3

Once you have a cone shape that you’re happy with, fold this over again. You want to fold directly over the fold you made in the previous step. If you do this correctly, you should have the exact same cone shape you had previously. Continue folding until you all have left is a perfectly shaped cone.

Rolling paper folded into the shape of a cone

Your paper should look like this.

Step 4

Now that you have the cone folded, you need to unfold it and lick the adhesive. It’s easy to mess up here since you only have one shot with the adhesive. What I like to do is unroll the paper completely, lick the adhesive, then re-fold on the creases I’ve already made in the previous steps. Once this is done, you should have a perfectly folded cone that is now locked in place from the adhesive.

rolling paper pre-rolled with wet adhesive after being licked.

Make sure to get the adhesive wet everywhere otherwise it won’t stick properly.

Step 5

Good job! The hardest part of the pre-roll is behind you. What you’re going to want to do now is open the paper up by squeezing lightly on the edge that you had flattened previously. If it’s sticking shut from the adhesive, use something skinny with a fine point and lightly pull it open until you have a hollow cone.

rolling paper pre rolled into a cone

Pre-rolled cone

Step 6

Now we’re going to make a filter. Most people will just rip a little piece of the rolling paper packaging off to do this, but business cards and other moderately-thick paper will work. Filters are all based on preference. Some people like big filters and some people like small filters, it’s all up to you. The size of the filter is going to be determined by the width of the piece you rip off, the length shouldn’t change.

Pack of zig-zag rolling papers with filter ripped out of the corner

If you cut the filter out with scissors it will work better.

Rip a small piece of paper off. You want to have it the shape of a rectangle so it will fold enough times to hold the cannabis inside of the joint. When you roll a filter, you want to roll it like you would a sleeping bag. There are some more advanced ways but this will work just fine.

Joint filter rolled up which is made from a piece of the rolling paper packaging.

You want the filter rolled enough so that it will stop the cannabis from going into your mouth when you pull on it.

Step 7

Put the filter in the cone and push it down until its tight. This is when you’ll know if your filter is the right size. Sometimes when I first started it took a few tries to get the right filter size. After the filter is where you want it you’re ready to start putting cannabis inside your joint.

rolled joint beside a grinder and package of rolling papers. The grinder is filled completely with cannabis.

If the filter is too big you can rip off the excess paper, but if it’s too small it will fall through.

Step 8

Now we’re going to grind some cannabis. I like to grind mine very fine so it keeps the joint nice and tight. Make sure to pick out any stems since these can poke holes in the side of the joint and wreck it. Next, add a small amount of cannabis into the joint. Make sure to pack this down with something skinny so it’s not loose or flimsy. You’ll want to continue adding and packing cannabis until the joint is as big as you’d like.

pre-rolled joint being packed down and filed with cannabis.

Make sure to pack down after you add some cannabis. You don’t want a loose joint.

Once you’ve filled the cone up completely, pinch and twist the end of it. And that’s it, you’ve got yourself a perfect joint!

Perfectly rolled joint with cannabis behind it on a table.

You should have something that looks like this.

How to Roll a Joint – The Old Fashioned Way

This method is a bit more advanced than the pre-roll method. However, with enough practice, anyone can roll a joint. I didn’t get good at rolling joints in a day, it takes time and most importantly, practice! Something to remember; although the king-size rolling papers may seem appealing if you’re trying to learn how to roll smaller papers are a bit easier in my opinion.

Watch this video on YouTube.

Holistic Buds on YouTube

Step 1

Before you can roll a joint you’ll need to grind your cannabis. I like to grind mine very fine so it packs down easily and doesn’t leave any air pockets. Next, you’re going to pick out any stems. This is because stems can poke a hole in the paper as we’re rolling and ruin it.

Step 2

Rolling without filters is quicker, and easier. However, if you’d like a filter you’re going to need to make one right now.

Pack of zig-zag rolling papers with filter ripped out of the corner

If you cut the filter out with scissors it will work better.

Rip a small piece of paper off the paper packaging. You want to have it the shape of a rectangle so it will fold enough times to hold the cannabis inside of the joint. When you roll a filter, you want to roll it like you would a sleeping bag. There are some more advanced ways but this will work just fine.

Step 3

Hold the rolling paper in your hands so that the adhesive is facing you and on the top of the paper. If you’re using a filter, put it in the paper on the right-hand side. I’m going to be rolling without a filter, but it will be the same with one.

rolling paper in hands with adhesive facing towards camera and at the the top of the paper

Hold the rolling paper facing you with the sticky side up & at the top.

Next, spread your cannabis on the paper. Check the picture to see how much you should be using. You’re also going to want to have more on the left-hand side than on the right since we’re trying to roll a cone shape.

Rolling paper with cannabis inside of it. The hardest step when learning how to roll a joint is this one.

Make sure to put more on the left than the right. Otherwise, it will be hard to make the cone shape.

Step 4

This is the hardest step of rolling a joint. If you can get past this step, you’ll know how to roll a joint!

Fold the paper over the cannabis making a cone shape and squeeze lightly. If there’s too much cannabis in the joint slide your thumb on your left hand down the joint to push any excess out. Whatever shape you make this fold is going to be the shape of the joint.

rolling paper filled with cannabis being folded into the shape of a cone with excess cannabis falling out the top.

It’s okay if cannabis falls out the top of the joint, we can add later.

Step 5

With your thumbs, roll the fold you made into the joint, make sure that you keep everything nice and tight. Continue doing this until it’s rolled up to the adhesive.

Joint being rolled overtop of a grinder and pack of rolling papers.

Make sure to completely wet the adhesive otherwise it won’t stick properly.

Now, lick the adhesive and make the final few rolls. It’s okay if the cannabis inside is still loose because you can fix that after.

rolled joint being packed with more cannabis. Grinder full of weed and rolling papers on table beside them.

Step 6

Take something skinny with a fine point and pack down the cannabis inside the joint. You can even add some more if too much came out when you were rolling. Once you’ve added as much cannabis as you’d like pinch and twist the end.

rolled joint being packed down with cannabis.

make sure to pack down the cannabis before you add more.

And that’s is! You’ve just successfully rolled a joint!

Perfectly rolled joint with cannabis in a grinder below it. Pack of rolling papers on the table beside the grinder.

Perfectly rolled joint

If you found this helpful, be sure to share it on social media! We also have some great recipes, educational posts, and grow guides if you would like to learn more about cannabis!

Ryan is a full stack software developer, and cofounder of Ryan has expertise in economics, software development, and all things cannabis!


  1. Bobsworld
    Created at·0 Replies

    I love the cone shape method, looks easy enough to do at home sitting down. With a bit of practice I should master it in no time flat. I like the filtered end but find it hard to master the size everytime. I get it but takes me longer, and you know what they say “the longer you wait the better it tastes”. Not sure it applies here. lol. Thanks for the video it helped a great deal.

  2. amelie rossegger
    Created at·0 Replies

    Never thought of making a joint this way before, Looks quite easy for beginners night have to try it.

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