How to Make Weed Firecrackers

Firecrackers are likely the most popular weed edible on the planet. The ease of ingredients and minimal preparation required makes it a great recipe for the beginner cannabis connoisseur. This recipe is simple, quick, and easy for anyone to create at home. Almost all cannabis recipes are going to require cannabis butter, cannabis oil, or even cannabis milk. Firecrackers are different though.

Here’s What You’re Going to Need to Make Weed Firecrackers

Peanut butter, aluminum foil, crackers, and cannabis. All the ingredients required to make firecrackers

Everything needed to make firecrackers

It’s that simple.

There will be no exact measurements in this recipe since the potency will depend on the cannabis that you use. Somewhere between a half-gram and a gram is what I use per firecracker. Although, This will be different for everybody since we’re not using the same cannabis.

Some people like to use keif when they make their firecrackers. This will work just as well, if not better. Remember to use caution when cooking with keif since it’s much more potent.

7 Easy Steps To Make Weed Firecrackers

Step 1. Preheat the oven to 275 F

An oven set to 275 degrees Fahrenheit. The perfect temperature to decarboxylate cannabis for firecrackers

275 degree’s Fahrenheit is the best temperature to decarboxylate the cannabis

Step 2. Grind your cannabis very fine, you don’t want any nugs.

Step 3. Spread the ground cannabis over aluminum foil on a baking sheet and put it in the oven for 10 minutes at 275 degrees Fahrenheit.

Step 4. Once the cannabis is out of the oven it should no longer be green, it will be brown. Next, spread peanut butter, Nutella, or both onto one side of two graham crackers.

decarboxylated cannabis on top of aluminum foil placed in an oven. light brown color.

Decarboxylated cannabis straight out of the oven, left it in a little too long, should be a lighter shade of brown.

Step 5. Next, generously put the activated cannabis on top of the peanut butter or Nutella on each graham cracker. Then squeeze the graham crackers together lightly.

firecracker with peanut butter and cannabis in the inside of it. The peanut butter glares in the light.

Firecracker ready to be wrapped.

Step 6. Wrap the firecracker, or firecracker’s tightly in aluminum foil and put back into the oven for 15 minutes at 300 degrees Fahrenheit.

Aluminum foil wrapping a firecracker. Firecracker contains crackers with peanut butter spread over it and cannabis in the middle.

Wrap tight in aluminum foil

Step 7. Let the firecrackers cool and enjoy!

If those directions were hard to follow, check out this video!

Watch this video on YouTube.

If you make firecrackers using this recipe, please comment and let us know how you liked it!

Ryan is a full stack software developer, and cofounder of Ryan has expertise in economics, software development, and all things cannabis!

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